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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English - mould


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~1 BrE, mold AmE n 1 a soft green or black substance that grows on food which has been kept too long, and on objects that are in warm, wet air  (Throw that bread away, there's mold on it. | There was mould on the bathroom ceiling.)  (- see also leaf mould) 2 a hollow container that you pour liquid into, so that when the liquid becomes solid, it takes the shape of the container  (a jelly mould | a candle mold) 3 if someone is in, or fits into, a particular mould, they have all the attitudes, and qualities, typical of a certain type of person  (a sex symbol in the traditional Hollywood mold | She didn't quite fit into the standard 'high-flying businesswoman' mould.) 4 break the mould to change a situation completely, by doing something that has not been done before  (an attempt to break the mould of British politics) ~2 BrE, mold AmE v 1 to shape a soft substance by pressing or rolling it or by putting it into a mould  (mould sth into sth)  (Mould the sausage meat into little balls. | mold sth)  (moulded plastic piping) 2 to influence the way someone's character or attitudes develop  (I enjoy working with children, helping to mold their young minds. | an attempt to mold public opinion) 3 to fit closely to the shape of something  (Her wet dress was moulded to her body.)
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  (moulds, moulding, moulded) Note: in AM, use 'mold' 1. A mould is a hollow container that you pour liquid into. When the liquid becomes solid, it takes the same shape as the mould. Spoon the mixture carefully into the mould... ...jelly moulds. N-COUNT 2. If a person fits into or is cast in a mould of a particular kind, they have the characteristics, attitudes, behaviour, or lifestyle that are typical of that type of person. He was from the same mould as the men she had gazed at worshipfully when a child: rich, handsome, of impeccable social standing. N-COUNT: usu with supp • If you say that someone breaks the mould, you mean that they do completely different things from what has been done before or from what is usually done. Memorial services have become tedious and expected. I would like to help break the mould... PHRASE: V inflects 3. If you mould a soft substance such as plastic or clay, you make it into a particular shape or into an object. Using 2 spoons, mould the cheese mixture into small balls or ovals... VERB: V n into n 4. To mould someone or something means to change or influence them over a period of time so that they develop in a particular way. She was only 17 at the time and the experience moulded her personality... Too often we try to mold our children into something they do not wish to be. = form, shape VERB: V n, V n into n 5. When something moulds to an object or when you mould it there, it fits round the object tightly so that the shape of the object can still be seen. You need a malleable pillow that will mould to the curves of your neck... She stood there, the wind moulding the dress around her. VERB: V to/around/round n, V n around/round/to n 6. Mould is a soft grey, green, or blue substance that sometimes forms in spots on old food or on damp walls or clothes. N-MASS see also leaf mould ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   chiefly British variant of mold ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  1. n. & v. (US mold) --n. 1 a hollow container into which molten metal etc. is poured or soft material is pressed to harden into a required shape. 2 a a metal or earthenware vessel used to give shape to puddings etc. b a pudding etc. made in this way. 3 a form or shape, esp. of an animal body. 4 Archit. a moulding or group of mouldings. 5 a frame or template for producing mouldings. 6 character or disposition (in heroic mould). --v.tr. 1 make (an object) in a required shape or from certain ingredients (was moulded out of clay). 2 give a shape to. 3 influence the formation or development of (consultation helps to mould policies). 4 (esp. of clothing) fit closely to (the gloves moulded his hands). Derivatives mouldable adj. moulder n. Etymology: ME mold(e), app. f. OF modle f. L modulus: see MODULUS 2. n. (US mold) a woolly or furry growth of minute fungi occurring esp. in moist warm conditions. Etymology: ME prob. f. obs. mould adj.; past part. of moul grow mouldy f. ON mygla 3. n. (US mold) 1 loose earth. 2 the upper soil of cultivated land, esp. when rich in organic matter. Phrases and idioms mould-board the board in a plough that turns over the furrow-slice. Etymology: OE molde f. Gmc., rel. to MEAL(2) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  см.mold ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) лекало 2) отвал 3) прессформа 4) шаблон bottom-poured ingot mould — заполняемая снизу изложница ingot slab mould — изложница для плоских слитков - bottle-top mould - corrugated mould - iron mould - lime a mould - mould oil - mould the brick - open-bottom mould - slab mould ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  см. mold ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. форма; лекало, шаблон 2. литейная форма, изложница, мельда (также mould box) 3. редк. отливка 4. полигр. матрица 5. стр. опалубка для бетона 6. архит. багет; калевка, профиль; раскладка 7. форма, формочка для пудинга, желе и т. п. 8. пудинг или желе, приготовленные в форме 9. характер cast in the same mould —- одинаковый (по характеру, складу); сделанные из одного теста cast in an heroic mould —- героического склада a man cast in a simple mould —- цельный человек; цельная натура 10. отливать в форму, формовать to mould in wax —- лепить в воске to mould out of wax —- лепить из воска 11. формовать (хлеб); разделывать (тесто) she moulded the dough into loaves —- она формовала буханки из теста 12. делать по шаблону 13. формировать; создавать to mould smb.'s character —- формировать чей-л. характер his character was moulded by experience —- его характер сложился под влиянием жизненного опыта to mould public opinion —- обрабатывать (формировать) общественное мнение to mould smth. (up)on smth. —- создавать что-л. по какому-л. образцу (по образцу чего-л.) to mould into smth. —- превращать во что-л. how to mould tribal societies into a state —- как превратить родовое общество в государство 14. взрыхленная земля 15. с-х. перегной, гумус 16. уст. земля, почва on Scottish mould —- на шотландской земле to render to the mould —-...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  I  1. noun плесень; плесенный грибок  2. v. покрываться плесенью; плесневеть; fig. оставаться без употребления II  1. noun  1) (литейная) форма, изложница, мульда  2) лекало; шаблон  3) матрица  4) constr. опалубка для бетона  5) формочка для пудинга, желе и т.п.  6) характер; people of a special mould - люди особого склада Syn: fashion, forge, form, model, shape  2. v.  1) отливать форму, формовать  2) делать по шаблону  3) формировать (характер); создавать - mould into - mould on - mould upon MOULD into превращать в MOULD on формировать по образцу чего-л. MOULD upon формировать по образцу чего-л. ...
Англо-русский словарь
  - see mold. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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